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Community Support

On this page we're listing Svelte-related community events and conferences that you can go to. If you're interested in meeting others that are also interested in Svelte you'll find your closest meetup here.

If you want to read more about the different events just follow the links and see where they lead.


Are you looking to organize your own event? Here are some things to think about:

Venue - where to host?

Finding a place to host your event can be hard. The easiest way is most likely to ask your employer if they can host. If that's not an option you can look at Libraries or co-working spaces.

Agenda - what's going to happen at the event?

The agenda is also important. Are you going to host a talk yourself? Will you do a workshop? A good idea is to ask if other attendees are interested in either showing off something they've made or if they want to speak.

Add your own event

In order to add your own event to the list open an issue and let us know the details!

Your Meetup Here!

Open an issue and let us know the details!


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